His Holiness Shivkrupanand Swamiji was appointed as the Tourism Goodwill Ambassador for Visit Nepal Year 2020 by Nepal Government. Swamiji was felicitated on 6th June 2019, by the Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr. K.P. Sharma Oli, at the inaugural function of the Himalayan Travel Mart, 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
On 7th June, 2019 20 speakers made their presentations at the HTM 2019 and Swamiji’s session was the last one which started at 6pm and was attended by approximately 250 delegates from 42 countries. Swamiji spoke about his spiritual journey in the Himalayas and his search for God. Sharing his personal experiences, he explained that Yogasanas were just one part of Ashtang Yog and dealt with only fitness of the physical body. Complete/total yoga is connecting to Universal Consciousness through meditation. He explained the concept of the Values of Himalayan Meditation and then led the delegates in a short meditation session followed by a question and answer session.
His Holiness Shivakrupanand Swami: (Swamiji) a living self-realised, enlightened Saint, started his spiritual journey from Nepal. Swamiji’s thirst for spirituality brought him to a village (Shibu) in the Nepal Himalayas where he met his Guru (Shree Shiv Baba) who imparted the values of Samarpan Meditation to him. After attaining enlightenment, he came back to society to teach what he had learnt from different Divine Masters in the Himalayas. Swamiji established his first Ashram in Dandi, Navsari, Gujarat and with the expansion of Samarpan Meditation in India, he has established a further 5 Ashrams in Sindhavadar (Morbi District), Punadi, Bhuj, (Kutch District) Mahudi, Ahmedabad – all in Gujarat; Aradka, Ajmer in Rajasthan and Shiroda, Goa. In addition, he has also established an Ashram at Long Acre, Leicester, UK. Guru Shakti Dhams have been established in Montreal, Canada, Melbourne, Australia and meditation centres all over the world which are managed by volunteers in countries such as UAE, USA, Peru, South Africa, Kenya, Germany, France, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Singapore, New Zealand, and many more.
Samarpan Meditation is a simple way of meditation in which the values of the Master are inculcated by the disciple through meditation. This value-based meditation which can be practiced by any ordinary person living in society is currently practiced in over 25 countries.
After travelling the globe, teaching meditation free of cost to people from all walks of life, Swamiji returned to Nepal to share this knowledge and repay his debt to the people of Nepal. He considers Nepal to be the Sahastrar (Crown Chakra) of the world. Nepal could possibly become the world’s beacon from which spirituality spreads all over the world.
Shree Shivkrupanand Swami is the Founder of the following NGO’s globally:
1. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Ashram Trust, India
2. Yoga Prabha Bharati (Seva Sanstha) Trust, India
3. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Trust, UK
4. La Foundation Shree Shivkrupanand Swami, Canada
5. Samarpan Meditation Deutscheland Stiftung, Germany
6. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Foundation, Singapore
7. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Foundation, USA
8. Samarpan Meditation Yoga Center, Dubai
9. African Samarpan Foundation, South Africa
10. Malaysian Association of Samarpan Meditation
11. Samarpan Meditation Australia Inc.
12. Samarpan Trust, Nepal