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  • Buzz Off! 7 Effective Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Buzz Off! 7 Effective Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Don't let mosquitoes ruin your outdoor fun! Follow these 7 proven tips to eliminate breeding grounds, repel mosquitoes, and enjoy a bite-free environment around your home."

Buzz Off! 7 Effective Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Mosquitoes are more than just a summertime nuisance; their bites can transmit dangerous diseases. Luckily, there are several things you can do to create a mosquito-free zone around your home and yard.

Here are 7 super effective ways to keep mosquitoes away:


Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Grounds: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Do a weekly inspection of your property and eliminate any sources of standing water, including birdbaths, clogged gutters, old tires, and even plant saucers.



Keep Water Moving: Mosquitoes are less likely to breed in moving water. If you have a pond or water feature, ensure it has a pump to keep the water circulating.



Screen Up: Install tight-fitting screens on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.



Plant Power: Certain plants like citronella, lemongrass, catnip, and lavender give off scents that repel mosquitoes. Plant these beauties around your patio or porch for added defense.



Clear the Clutter: Mosquitoes love to hide in tall grass, piles of leaves, and overgrown areas. Keep your yard tidy and eliminate any potential hiding spots for these pesky insects.



Dress for Defense: When spending time outdoors, wear long, loose-fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs. Opt for light-colored clothing, as mosquitoes tend to be attracted to darker colours.


Repellent Ready: Apply an EPA-registered insect repellent whenever you're outdoors. Look for repellents containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), or IR3535.


By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the mosquito population around your home and enjoy your outdoor space bite-free!

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