The Uttar Pradesh police have issued a traffic advise in anticipation of the expected crush at Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj on Wednesday, January 29, the major bathing day of "Mauni Amavasya," in order to guarantee that locals and worshippers enjoy a seamless experience at the largest religious gathering in the world.
This year's Mahakumbh mela falls on Mauni Amavasya, also called Maghi Amavasya, which is a prominent Hindu holiday that takes place during the new moon and involves a particular bathing rite.
Vehicles will not be permitted in the Mahakumbh region to prevent security concerns or a situation akin to a stampede. Additionally, the region has been declared a "no-VIP zone," yet even "akharas" will be permitted entry based on the slots that have been assigned to them.
Key routes into Prayagraj, including the National Highway and state highways, will see diversions for non-pilgrim traffic. Heavy vehicles, except those carrying essential supplies, will not be allowed to enter the city limits. Certain roads will be accessible only during specified hours to ensure controlled traffic flow and prevent bottlenecks.
Authorities have earmarked over 30 temporary parking zones across the city’s outskirts, including Phaphamau, Jhunsi, and Naini. Parking zones are categorized to accommodate private vehicles, public transport, and two-wheelers separately. Shuttle buses will operate continuously between these lots and the ghats, ensuring that devotees can access the bathing areas conveniently.
Over 20,000 police personnel and volunteers will be stationed across the city for crowd management, with a special focus on high-density areas like the Sangam. Drones will monitor crowd movements and traffic flow in real-time to avoid overcrowding. Emergency medical camps and ambulances will be strategically placed along key routes.
Pilgrims are encouraged to use public transportation wherever possible. Devotees driving private vehicles must follow the designated parking plan and avoid unauthorized parking near ghats. Authorities have requested travelers to plan their visit early to avoid last-minute congestion. Real-time traffic updates will be available through the district administration’s social media handles and helpline numbers.
Dedicated parking and shuttle services for elderly and disabled devotees will be provided at close proximity to the bathing sites. Volunteers will assist those in need.